Daan - Housewife(conversation) Lyrics
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Housewife(conversation) Song Lyrics
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Housewives, My kind of women
Don't act like a housewife
But be a housewife
Breath like a housewife
Walk like a housewife
But don't just act like a housewife
Have diner ready
Prepare yourself
Touch up your make-up
Put a ribbon in your hair and be fresh looking
He has just been with a lot of work worry people
Be a little gay, little more interesting
Prepare the children
Take a few minutes to wash the children?s hands and faces
Comb their hair, and if necessary
Change their clothes
Minimize all noise
Eliminate the noise of the washer, dryer, dishwasher, vacuum
Eliminate the noise, (quiet) paradise on earth
Try to encourage the children to be quiet
Don't greet him with problems or complaints
Don't complain if he is late for dinner
Arrange his pillow and offer to take off his shoes
Speak in a low, soft, soothing and pleasant voice
Listen to him
You may have dozens of things to tell him,
But the moment of his arrival is not the time
et him talk first
Never complain if he does not take you out to dinner or other pleasant entertainments
Like getting drunk
Yeah, just like getting drunk
Cadillac?s, Chryslers, fords, Toyotas, Mercedes
In the modern world, everyone knows the price of almost everything,
But few the value of anything
Many value the valueless, but do not price the pricelessWho can find a virtuous woman?
For her price is far above Cadillac?s, Chrysler, fords, Toyotas, Mercedes
Maybe I forgot a few brands, but then don't worry
It'll come back soon
Little good things are simply ignored
A good husband is a faithful man
A faithful man is not always a good husband
A husband today is a man who has a funky housewife
Little keys open big doors
Little doors open big keys
Large crowds, huge sums of money, spectacular accidents and shocking scandals
Large crowds, huge sums of money, spectacular accidents and shocking scandals
The love for her husband is deep
She would often do things for her husband
Without ever asking him anything in return or even expecting him to know what she has done for him
However, long she has been married to her husband, she treats him with respect and tenderness
And she always dresses herself neatly and pleasantly, never extravagantly, nor vulnerable, nor Gucci or Versace
My kind of women, housewives
Respect and tenderness, respect and tenderness
To be lonely, without being alone
Is a bitter loneliness
To be alone, without being lonely
Is sweet solitude
Fresh food and cold beer
Loneliness is one of the most unnoticeable,
And yet one of the most cruel punishments,
Any human being could ever suffer
Irrespective of one's race
And the infinite joy and learning
By her example she inspires her husband to be just and kind to all people
And to live a cool and meaningful life
She greatly helps him to do more and better work
And with greater fun and energy
She makes him feel he is among the blessed of men
She is her husband's comfort and consolation
She is his source of joy and peace
A sort of joystick
Better than any drug, she is his paradise on earth
Loneliness is one of the most unnoticeable,
And yet one of the most cruel punishments,
Any human being can ever suffer
Irrespective of one's races, religion, national origin, sex and even health and wealth
I am hungry, feed me nowLoneliness is suffered by countless millions throughout the world
So damn hungry, feed me now
Solitude is quite another thing
Please lady
No buildings, no pools, no gardens, however big and expensive
Can ever replace the tender love, the true affection, the respect and cool funky feeling
That the young accord to the old, honour thy father and thy mother, and thy motorbike
Therefore, those fine housewives serve their parents in their own homes
With love, respect and devotion, fresh food and cold beers are truly among the best of Mankind
My kind of women, housewives
Housewife(conversation) Lyrics
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Other Daan song Lyrics
"I don?t need respect from you
Don?t think I deserve it too
I?ve got to much ships to load
To be riding three lane roads..."
"We had no trouble with the face of any plot
when I'd been out stealing in a closet I was caught
I said never but was the first to direct you
caue your own suicide was legal as infractures..."
Bridge Burner
"Cold rod
You're a little god
Fine plot
but a little odd..."
"It's the nature of things
to always want a new love
so we drive into the night
pass those roadblocks..."
"self invented
false intended
child of sunbeams
mindless queen..."
Swedish Designer Drugs
"I was shot in the back
by nilfisk addicted cowboys
by jealousy struck
outnumbered by hard boiled luck..."
for you and me
both of us victorious
ain't it plain to see..."
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