D.A.D. - Dont Tell Me Anything Lyrics

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Artist: D.A.D.
D.A.D. Author
Album: Sympatico (1997)
D.A.D. - Sympatico Album
Song Title: Dont Tell Me Anything
Genre: Rock
Visits: 885
Print Version

Right now no song on the radio could be too stupid for my heart
Wind me up and let me walk...
I've got no strategy but to suck up the sear and tear the earth apart
Man like dog can be taught not to talk..
Yeah, those who remember me as half good company
As a man who saved himself through irony
- Don't tell me anything - if I hear a secret - I'll burst
Don't tell me anything - unless you wanna hear the worst
I'll never tell anyone what they haven't already heard
Don't tell me anything - if I smell a secret: I'll burst...

My tongue just wanna get rid of the truth - yeah, it's one big misery
And then right here, where silence's king
It goes against the grain of who I thought I was
A bird drops in and I start to sing
I bump into furniture and step on peoples feet
And I say the things I shouldn't say to those I meet...
So don't tell me anything - if I hear a secret - I'll burst
Don't tell me anything - unless you wanna hear the worst
I'll never tell anyone what they haven't already heard
Don't tell me anything - if I smell a secret: I'll burst...

Yeah, those who remember me as half good company
As a man who saved himself through irony
- Subtleties... It's a mean attack of honesty !
- Don't tell me anything - unless you wanna hear the worst
I'll never tell anyone what they haven't already heard
Don't tell me anything - if I hear a secret - I'll burst
- Yeah, don't tell me anything - if I smell a secret: I'll burst...

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Other D.A.D. song Lyrics
  • Reconstrucdead
    "When the fever burns your brain
    When your heart has got a name
    And you long for generous days
    You want a spring in your walk and a smile on your face....."
  • Written In Water
    "Set out on a laughless day
    Like a troupe of clowns
    Peekin' out of a show man's car
    Through cabbage town......"
  • Helpyourselfish
    "I've been bounced around
    But I'm still standing up
    I've been so far down
    That my ears they popped..."
  • Soulbender
    "I've got a painters eye
    And a skilled musicians ears
    And I'm silent - in 7 languages
    And I've got all my family's fears......"
  • Unowned
    "I found a way of payin' off old debts
    Always make more promises, than you can break
    An argument that calls for more
    Ends with a cold message on the freezer's door..."
  • Candid
    "This is the lazy quiz
    And you got all the time there is
    We'll spend some time on greed'n'wealth
    And then some on mental-health......"
  • Blood InOut
    "Yeah, I've changed but I kept my name
    To retell a joke, it won't be the same
    My eyes burn new black hollow holes
    My fate's revealed my future's told..."
  • Prayin To A God
    "Yeah, I know I'm in trouble
    A case of the unkindest kind
    But I resent being reminded
    About what's already on my mind..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Sympatico" album, click "D.A.D. Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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