Dagsland Sigvart - Alt Eg Sg Lyrics

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Artist: Dagsland Sigvart
Song Title: Alt Eg Sg
Visits: 809
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This morning
what shadow
would knock on
my window
I might see
it later
can't deal with
this flavor
It's there for
the taking
but my heart's just not in it
Just sleeping
is touching
It's better
than nothing
Let me know if you go there
Mark's having
a hard time
on orange
and sunshine
Hal's spilling
malt liquor
on his Minor
Threat sticker
I'm talking
no chances
no trouble
no acid
Let's wig out
at denko's
on Coke and
Let me know if you go there
The t.v. is so loud
but it's not outside
The stereo is too loud
so take it outside
Let's wig out at denko's
someone let yoni drive

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Other Dagsland Sigvart song Lyrics
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    Ein nye dag..."
  • Blomster Me Aldri Sg
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  • Dance Tras
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    og under foden min
    vokse de vilt
    I bankens sylerom..."
  • Den Farligste Friheten
    "Her e veien uden svinger
    ikkje prv st imod
    Bli med, husk at du har vinger
    la deg riva opp med rod..."
  • Elsker Du Meg
    "Skyv greiner te side, flg hnd du ser
    der den vinke og ber deg flga med
    langs stier kor himmelen vokse p trer
    og redselen spire liga ved..."
  • Fast Som Fjell
    "Eg elske deg og det e sant
    Du skreiv det sama p papir
    men du brukte blyant
    for d konne du viska det ud..."
  • G Mot Havet
    "Fr slret for mine yne
    ska falla av som skjell,
    mens tgen vente p vinden
    Et brd og litt vin p et bord..."
  • Kjrlighet
    "Du m g mot havet - g n!
    Eg sg et fjell i gre dis
    for hgt og kaldt for meg
    Eg sg de skogane som fjellet..."
  • ...Show All

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