Daisy Tripping - Your Socks Have No Name Lyrics

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Artist: Daisy Tripping
Song Title: Your Socks Have No Name
Visits: 721
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It's all that you do that carries you through
And the power that you recieve destroys you
So you take little guns and you zap 'em
Cause all you ever wanted was the truth
It's always the same when you walk and you breathe
You walk into me
You walk and you blink
When you walk into me
Get out of town said the man to the crowd
My doppler radar predicts a breeze of long hands
So I'm not just hanging around while they laugh about it
I got places to be and the sky's the limit
No more bowling on arrows for me
Cause all you ever wanted was glue
It's always the same when you walk in the rain
You walk and complain
Your socks have no name so you stop the parade
No more walking today

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    my four it's over now if I had the chance..."
  • 1-4
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    now if I had the time to well I'd make it longer
    One makes it two to find the three to change
    my four, it's over, now if I had the chance..."
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    I saddle my thoughts for the big machine..."
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    Some things are touched
    Take the time to fix yourself all up
    Taking time helps with your luck..."
  • Bang
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  • Bedhead
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    Reveal the sidewalk pride..."
  • Blown Away
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    I think I'll run and hide..."

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