Damhnait Doyle - Now When The Rain Falls Lyrics

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Artist: Damhnait Doyle
Song Title: Now When The Rain Falls
Visits: 792
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She knocked upon my door and I let her in

I knew nothing of her little sin

A trail of blood followed her until the end

She was helpless as she's ever been

It was a fleeting thought, a shooting star

She said, I never meant for it to go that far

Folks would ask me, why do you stay

Why don't you pick right up and run away

Take the children out to the coast

Grab your bags and make the most of your days

Good advice is everywhere

But if it's free to give no one cares

Now when the rain falls it doesn't touch me, it lets me be

Now when the sun shines, it shines upon me, it sets me free

I saw happiness all around

And I didn't know I could have it too

So I just took it when no one else was watching

Careful not to make a sound

She couldn't take it from him anymore

So she played the hero in her own war

Now when the rain falls it doesn't touch me, (rain falls it don't touch me) it lets me be (it lets me be)

Now when the sun shines, it shines upon me, (the sun shines, it shines on me) it sets me free (it sets me free)

This life fell on her like the night, so out of sight

Weight of the world she could not stand, so she wrote herself a different end

Now when the rain falls it doesn't touch me, (rain falls it don't touch me) it lets me be (it lets me be)

Now when the sun shines, it shines upon me, (the sun shines, it shines on me) it sets me free (it sets me free)

Now when the rain falls it doesn't touch me, (rain falls it don't touch me) it lets me be (it lets me be)

Now when the sun shines, it shines upon me, (the sun shines, it shines on me) it sets me free (it sets me free)

When the rain falls it doesn't touch me

And when the sun shines it sets me free

When the rain falls it don't touch me

When the sun shines it sets me free

When the rain falls it don't touch me

When the sun shines it sets me free

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  • Another California
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  • Another
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    You go the trackmarks of the trade,..."
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    These miles and walls will seem like a dream
    I've done all I can do to help remember
    Sketched your name in chalk on my ceiling..."
  • Deal With God
    "I made a deal with God
    I tried to cheat fate
    Was hoping He got lost or just forgot
    But now He's back to get paid..."
  • Elusive Drug
    "I'll be a life size
    cutout of all your faults
    open up your wounds
    I will be the salt..."
  • Every Hit
    "To your honey I am the bee
    One drop of you would set me free
    But like a coffin to its grave
    I'm destined only to be a slave..."

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