Damian Marley - Still Searchin Lyrics
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Still Searchin Song Lyrics
Damian Marley
Song Title:
Still Searchin
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[Damian Marley]
Some gal in a twinkling of an eye
Dem a ready fi come pull down me Karl Kani
Oh, come on now
Tell me how can I
Love a one dat really don't deserve me
Na try fi keep and na try preserve me
Me's a boy could get whole heep a girl ya heard me
Many are called but only few dem worthy
Body have to physically strong and sturdy
Spiritually balanced fi clean and purge me
Mentally advanced fi always urge me
Read a couple books and challenge the clergy
Read a couple psalms up in the morning early
[Damian Marley]
Could you be so kind
Then show me a sign
I've been searchin' and it's so hard to find
Decent values with a decent wine
Decent jubee running it down the line
Maybe it's my mind
Maybe I'm blind
Maybe it's the way that I've been spending my time
I'm still searching for a fine peace of mind
Decent jubee running it down the line
[Yami Bolo]
A little child has grown
And he'g got love on his mind
But what he'll never know
A virtuous woman is hard to find
[Stephen Marley]
And dat's when she said
She feels the pain
And she'll never fall
In love again
[Damian Marley]
So if you is a gal with whole heep of value
What a valuable nice and decent gal you
When I get you I'll be glad I got you
Then stand firmly inna your life like statue
Seen some old tings seen some young tings
Seen some little silly go and come tings
Seen some one night just for fun tings
What an indecent piece of someting
[Ziggy & Damian]
Be so kind
The show me a sign
I've been searchin' and it's so hard to find
Decent values with a decent wine
Decent jubee running it down the line
Maybe it's my mind
Maybe I'm blind
Maybe it's the way that I've been spending my time
I'm still searchin' for a fine peace of mind
Decent jubee running it down the line
[Yami Bolo]
Some say that love is blind
But he keep saying "Not This Time"
So all we need is love
To keep his heart in line
[Stephen Marley]
But that's when she said
Lord I feel the pain
And she'll never fall
In love again
You have some gyal ah come pon man premises
And ah fling up dat ting that's between di knees
And ah fill up man head with false promises
Oh dutty bungle please
Couldn't want to run that so fast with ease
Been there done that my main squeeze
Is natural, simply natural
[Damian Marley]
Could you be so kind
Then show me a sign
I've been searchin' and it's so hard to find
Decent values with a decent wine
Decent jubee running it down the line
Maybe it's my mind
Maybe I'm blind
Maybe it's the way that I've been spending my time
I'm still searching for a fine peace of mind
Decent jubee running it down the line
[Yami Bolo]
A little child has grown
And he's got love on his mind
But what he'll never know
A virtuous woman is hard to find
[Stephen Marley]
Cause that's when she said
She's feeling pain
It seems they have fallen in love again
That's when she said
Lord I feel the pain
And now they're standing in love again
[Damian Marley]
So tell me ah when price tag gone pon ay nanny
Gyal ah love man for Benz and ferrari
Little one eyed brethren weh name Omari
Couldn't get no loving since him sell stary
Some gyal in a twinkling of an eye
Dem ah ready fi come pull down me Karl Kani
Oh, come on now
Tell me how can I
Love a one dat really don't deserve me
Still Searchin Lyrics
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