Damme Ellen Ten - It Aint Easy Lyrics

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Artist: Damme Ellen Ten
Song Title: It Aint Easy
Visits: 740
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What's another cigarette
When you act so alive but you're already dead
What's another happy pillIf there's nothing in the world that can give you a thrill

Never need anyone
If there's food in the fridge and the laundry's all done
What's another Jaguar
If you have eleven cars driving ain't no fun

It ain't easy to get back
To the real life
To pick up the pieces
And put yourself back in line
No it ain't easy to get back
To the real life
It's nothing like
It's nothing like in Disneyland
There's nothing like it

You want to be a gypsygirl
You are rich, you can travel all around the world
You want to be a heroin
While you're tripping all out on your daily cocaine

Never need anyone
If there's food in the fridge and the living's all set and done
You want to be a rock 'n roll star
But you couldn't find an A on your last guitar

It ain't easy to get back
To the real life
To pick up the pieces
And put yourself back in line
No it ain't easy to get back
To the real life
It's nothing like
It's nothing like in Disneyland

Never need anyone
If there's food in the fridge and the laundry's all done
What's another cigarette
If you do what you can but you're still not dead

It ain't easy to get back
To the real life
To pick up the pieces
And put yourself back in line
No it ain't easy to get back
To the real life
It's nothing like
It's nothing like in Disneyland

It ain't easy to get back
To the real life
To pick up the pieces
And put yourself back in line
No it ain't easy to get back
To the real life
It's nothing like
It's nothing like in Disneyland

Do, a deer, a female deer
Ray, a drop of golden sun

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