Dan Bern - When The Earth Had Two Moons Lyrics

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Artist: Dan Bern
Song Title: When The Earth Had Two Moons
Visits: 841
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Back when the earth had two moons
Back when the earth had two moons
Baby, can you even remember
That far back when the earth had two moons
We sold it to the people of Kababa
We sold it to the people of Kababa
A medium sized planet in a small solar system in a very large galaxy just next door
A medium sized planet in a small solar system in a very large galaxy just next door
Go to Jupiter, take the first right, fly north north north for 30 billion light years
Remember that space is curved and you can?t miss it
Remember that space is curved and you can?t miss it

Back when the earth had two moons
It seemed as though eclipses were incessant
Every seven years they were both full
Sometimes when one was full the other was a crescent
We sold it to the people of Kababa
For the Berlin wall and all the tea in China
For the gross national product of America
For the cash crop of North Carolina
Back when the earth had two moons
Nobody had any money
Nobody ever had a fever
No one ever slept alone either
Shoes were the only transportation
No one ever heard of litigation
There was hardly anybody who could spell
But every body slept pretty well

But we sold it to the people of Kababa
For cars and roads and offices
For Warner Brothers, Exxon and Sony
For hamburger meat and baloney
Ah, but now we?re better off--don?t you see
With CNN on the TV
Child hookers in the Philippines to screw me
Karaoke for every wannabe
We got fast food and condoms and hair spray
We got the right to vote to take all of our rights away
We got life and the means to spend it
We?ve even got the bomb in case we want to end it

But if you ever find yourself wishing
The moon was back in its original position
There?s a rumor that the deal was never signed
And Kababa isn?t difficult to find
Go to Jupiter, take the first right, fly north north north for 30 billion light years
Remember that space is curved and you can?t miss it
Remember that space is curved and you can?t miss it

Back when the earth had two moons
Back when the earth had two moons

When The Earth Had Two Moons Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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    If you wanna sing two notes at once
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