Dan Swano - Patchworks Lyrics

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Album: Moontower (1999)
Dan Swano - Moontower Album
Artist: Dan Swano
Song Title: Patchworks
Genre: Metal
Visits: 819
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I have healed the broken wings of fatten angels and laid the wildest storms to
I have tamed the fury of a thousand oceans
All I've done to fall asleep
A tribute to the dreaming
A hymn to the delusions that sometimes realty feels like they're real
In the deepest slumber reality is blended with fantasies and things I have
When I awake all the stories remain inside my head
Memories forgotten always reappear in the wicked sceneries
Characters that once tell into oblivion united with my recent past
Tribute to my dreaming
Hymn to the delusions that I sometimes realty wish were for-real
In the deepest slumber reality is twisted and staggered across the halls of my
When I awake I can remember it still and it is nothing that my senses can kill
And I fall through the passage of time
Then there's the nightmares
That never seem to leave my mind
I can't escape it
They're even stronger when I close my eyes
How to forget and how to erase all the wicked scenes in here
How to make them disappear and burn this patchwork of fear
How to delete
How do I stop all the sickened things I see in this spurious diary that wasn't
made by me
How to replace my artificial memories

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Other Dan Swano song Lyrics
  • Add Reality
    "Time is ever-changing I will never have It back
    Sometimes I had wondered if the best was yet to come
    I can't deny it there are moments I regret
    So much I'd do different if I could do it all again..."
  • Creating Illusions
    "You create a hell for the ones to buy your illusion
    You design a spell that you cast upon the forsaken
    You engender temptation..."
  • Encounterparts
    "You create a hell for the ones to buy your illusion
    You design a spell that you cast upon the forsaken
    You engender temptation..."
  • In Empty Phrases
    "Here I am in my chamber
    In my room full of words
    Always searching for patterns that will give life to a line
    My poetry is frozen though it's beginning to melt..."
  • Sun Of The Night
    "Shadowscapes form a web a cross the sky and steal the light that runs the
    engine of my heart
    Decieved by clouds but I know it will soon return to watch my every move like
    an eye in the sky..."
  • The Big Sleep
    "Sometimes when I think about it it doesn't make any sense
    I mean I'm alive and plan to be for yet another seventy years
    Time waits tor noone
    Not even tor god..."
  • Uncreation
    "A tale forgotten long ago brought to life again
    Ancient wisdom ancient lies
    Horrid lullabies for the earth
    Time will turn my prophecies into reality and it will lead the world astray..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Moontower" album, click "Dan Swano Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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