Dangerous Dame - I Got What You Want Lyrics

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Artist: Dangerous Dame
Song Title: I Got What You Want
Visits: 859
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[ VERSE 1: Dangerous Dame ]

You want it, why, cause I got it

Pick up the mic on stage and I rock it

With the style that most can't rock with

A lotta rappers out there can't top this

Cause I'm different, more than average

Acrobatic, static, man, I never had it

Cause r-e-s-p-e-c-t is in effect

And you're sure to collect if you come correct

I keep comin, suckers'll keep runnin

I tell my DJ to hit me on the 1 and

(2-3-4) 5 and 6 and

Stop flirtin, man, and do the mixin

More time for that when I get through with the rap

And makin em clap and snap and pat my back

The style, lyrics and flow is what you lack

That's why your tracks be soundin so wack

Yo, you're not good and you let me see

In a lot of little ways you're tellin me

(Yo yo, exactly what are they tellin you, man?)

You got it, I want it

I want it, you got it

You got it, I want it

I want it, you got it

[ VERSE 2: Dangerous Dame ]

I got it, and when I got it I use it

Keep it up to par and don't lose it

A lotta raps, more than just one rhyme

A lotta styles, more than just one kind

I got a lot but yo, I'm not steppin

I learn more to add to my collection

To be the best in, one of the best men

Until I'm at that point, I'm not restin

Or rather sleepin, I stay woke

Anyone who tries to break will get broke

Smoke, choke, beat to a pulp

Tied to a rock at the bottom of a boat

Cause when it comes to a punk I flip

Lose my grip and act on the ill tip

And when I have to regain control

There's nothin left but a body without a soul

Of a sucker, one dumb brother

Who thought he get tough but didn't know that I was tougher

I could rock but man, he couldn't rock it

Before he left he said to me

I want it, you got it

You got it, I want it

I want it, you got it

You got it, I want it

[ VERSE 3: Dangerous Dame ]

I got the look, the look for girls to keep lookin

A lot of numbers written in my black book and

I don't call em all, just a few

So many girls, I don't know what to do

Is it because of my fame, I like to wonder

Is that the reason that I have so many phone numbers?

Retract, let's go way back

Where was they at before I started to rap, huh?

They was around, but they wasn't around me

They just want me for my f-a-m-e

Or my money, maybe my body

Or just because the way I rock the party

I don't know but man, that's women

Always in the crowd smilin and grinnin

Waitin for the Dame to look and say hi

They try to catch my eye when I walk by

Or makin passes, whisperin, hisses

Shakin hips and blowin little kisses

But I just turn my head the other way

Until they all just grab me and say

(I got what you want, you got what I want)

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