Dangerous Toys - Outlaw Lyrics

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Artist: Dangerous Toys
Dangerous Toys Author
Album: Dangerous Toys (1989)
Dangerous Toys - Dangerous Toys Album
Song Title: Outlaw
Genre: Rock: Hard-Rock
Visits: 855
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I got a twenty man posse right on my ass
I'm ahead of 'em now but they're comin' fast
Busted out at dawn, it's past midnight
Won't get a stop to drink till the morning light
I got a fistful of lead buried in my back
Got a hundred thousand dollars right in this sack
I'm just beginnin' my life, i'm ready for death
Been runnin' for a while and they ain't caught me yet

Lawman killer, I'm an outlaw
Livin' testament that crime pays
no such thing as a good job these days

My daddy was a sailor, my mother a whore
Brought up by a gypsy, left at her door
Raised on the street, I'm dirty and mean
Blink your eyes, I'll pick your pockets clean
Because I'm not afraid of death, looked him in the eye
Done unreal things you wouldn't realize
Sleep with one eye open, real smart
Take an inch of your life in the beat of a heart

Lawman killer, I'm an outlaw
Livin' testament that crime pays
No such thing as a good job these days
Go ahead punk, make my day

I'm an outlaw, yes i'm an outlaw
Good times, bad times, hard times the same
Live my life same as Jesse James
Wanted poster showin' my name

I'm an outlaw, yes I'm an outlaw
I'm an outlaw
I'm an outlaw, yes I'm an outlaw
i'm an outlaw

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Other Dangerous Toys song Lyrics
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    Is he the doctor's man to take me away?
    Or the same damn demon from yesterday?..."
  • Bones In The Gutter
    "There i was lookin' for somethin' new
    Man comes into my view
    Tells me, "hey kid yo wanna make ten bucks?"
    Bud gave me dirty looks..."
  • Take Me Drunk
    "Well, I'm a damn straight shootin' man
    Ride with a gun in my hand
    Lookin' for a girl who'll understand
    Don't want responsibility..."
  • Feels Like A Hammer
    "One thing that you've got to know
    Don't want this damn misery
    When you find out what i mean
    We will both wash ashore..."
  • Sportn A Woody
    "Well there' women in the city that make me feel shitty
    And there's some that make me pack a wad
    But the ones that are fine, oh will never be mine
    They won't even give me the time of day..."
  • Queen Of The Nile
    "She makes me shudder
    She makes me shake
    At night i think and i want to take her away
    Rainbows are on her face..."
  • Here Comes Trouble
    "Didn't go to school and I
    Never been in a church
    Those social workers got me pinned up as the worst
    I've always been a thief..."
  • ...Show All
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