Dani - Why Lyrics

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Artist: Dani
Song Title: Why
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Why.? Why do you do this to me? Why do you do this to you? Tell me why and all my problems will go away Why does the world go round? Why do cats go meow? Why are boys so violent? Why is why a question? Why are brothers so annoying? This song is full of questions so if you know the answers tell me why.. Chorus Why are Oranges orange? Why do dogs go woof? Why are boys so cute? Why do squirrels like nuts? Why am I singing this song? This song is full of questions so if you know the answers tell me why.. Chorus why do chickens go cluck? Why do cows go moo? Why do horses go neigh? Why do ducks go quack? Why do pigs go honk? Why do sheep go baa? And why do babies go waa? This song is full of questions so if you know the answers tell me why.. Chorus why (to fade)

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