Danja Mowf - Vowel Movement Lyrics

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Artist: Danja Mowf
Song Title: Vowel Movement
Visits: 922
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AEIOU and Sometimes Y
Once and a while we got to move these vowels once and a while we got
move these vowels If I got styles and you got styles then once and a
while we got to move these vowels
A = Speedis Toine
I specialize in snatching vertebrae. Break your anatomy down to A
me atomic sensai. AKA B.J. McKay and his best friend bear will hit
with Shirley Murdock and you can sing as we lay. What you gonna do,
nothing cause you pootay essay, the one that Prince saw wearing the
raspberry beret. Enter VA., so my super can perform dismay. You'll be
boy, in a man's hood, looking like Trey, getting faded, like the
from Zhane, think you tough in leather I'll rob that a_s like Runny
You that nigga that was with jade still trying to walk away, but I
finished, hey hey, don't make me call you like (Weeezaaayyy!!!!)
E = Mad Skillz
A yo it's me, the M to the A to the D, Skillz ripping drum fills and I
end it with a Z. I'm nice on the mic but that ain't hard for you to
this rap thing I got locked, I swallowed the key. Now peep the stee,
cause since the year of 93 I've been known to eat, chew, sh_t, stew an
emcee. Quite frankly, the day that you'll see me, is the same day
dunk and jump from the top of the key. Reside on northside but see
sometimes I be, getting biz at the crib of Lonnie B. & and; A.D.
Recognized from Japan all the way to NYC, still feel funny when I see
face on B.E.T. Till the day I die and have a preacher yelling over me,
wanna be known for representing VA vicinity. I shake rapper's off like
do after I pee, get it clear "From Where???" the debut C.D.
I = Danja Mowf
It's hard for me to understand why! People wanna test me when they
they're gonna die. Me oh my, why they wanna try like a sister with no
thigh trying to do the butterfly! I, say bye bye like Guy, then dive
into your a_s buckaroo banzai. Dry your eye, please don't cry, I sing
lullabye before I sting you like a horse fly. Of course my, style will
make you testify. I bet you fry like a pie on an electric eye. F a
I ain't no Shang-Hai samurai, but in your boti boy head boom bye bye.
O = Lonnie B
Yo! Every since a brother went solo I've been known to grab the
microphone and kick the Willie Bobo. Far from so-so when it comes to
even your Ho know. We did it To-To style for an hour at the hojo.
a photo of her sucking on me like a rolo, and in this one she was
cumming or either thinking about some Go-Go. I turned your little Ho
into a dancer like JoJo, or maybe like Donnie, Poo Poo and Fo Fo. It's
true-yo. I am a Little Vicious like Cujo, cause I keep three glocks in
the trunk of my Peugeot. Mess around you'll be missing like that crew
called Menudo. They wouldn't find you if they searched from Mercury to
U = Kalonji The Immortal
I'm talking to the letter U, as if U were a person, on an abstract
avenue where I construe. The vowel moving U, into, an accented zoo,
that's making you go ooooh. You, be trying to find styles like a clue,
so I left old ones on the floor like residue. See what you saying now,
to me ain't nothing new, you got a glass jaw making this style see
through. My brain is a point of view holding knowledge unseen like
on a oriental menu. Kalonji the immortal, styles continue, to stay
like a tuxedo dressed Gingsu. To who, is two, or more too much of a
crew of true friends who be super like glue. If it's you, don't argue,
cause I'll still pursue to move the vowel you asked me by saying was
that you?
Once and a while we got to move these vowels, once and a while we got
move these vowels, If I got styles and you got styles, then once and a
while we got to move these vowels

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    Hahahah, alright
    Y'all shorties get into bed..."
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    Black men keep on droppin like flies
    As long as the mighty eagle rules the skies..."
  • Like Flies
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