Dannii - Trooper Lyrics

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Artist: Dannii
Song Title: Trooper
Visits: 754
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Though tough times will visit us,
And death knocks on our door.
We will fight for one and all,
So that we can breathe once more,
So that we can breathe once more.

We are troopers, we fight for love,
Fighting death and chance.
Troopers, who fight for life,
Let's keep the peace and fight again.

Don't get used to happy endings,
There's no guaruntee
That we will see another day.
So smile again for me,
So smile again for me.

We are the troopers,we fight for love,
Fighting death and chance.
Troopers, who fight for life.
Let's keep the peace and fight again.
Let's keep the peace and fight again.

Can you hear the cry I hear?
Can you see the fallen tears.
This is why we need to fight again.
Troopers, troopers.

We are the troopers.
We are the troopers.
Troopers, troopers.

We are the troopers who fight for love,
fighting death and chance.
We are we troopers, we fight for life.
Let's keep the peace and fight again.
Let's keep the peace......
Let's keep the peace......
Le's keep the peace and fight again

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    I'm tired of being on my own.
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  • Im Cryin
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    I'm cryin' alone,
    I'm burstin' inside myself.
    I'm rollin' along,..."
  • My Change
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    I've done wrong.
    These memories have haunted me for so long.
    I try to chase the shame away...."
  • You Are My Everything
    "I could never live without you,
    If tomorrow never comes,
    I want you to know,
    That I have always loved you...."

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