Danny Michel - The Invisible Man Lyrics

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Artist: Danny Michel
Song Title: The Invisible Man
Visits: 717
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If I stopped combing my hair,
if I stopped shaving my face.
Would you notice or care, or would it just be a waste.
If I stop changing my clothes,
if I stop watching my weight.
How far do I have to go, just what do I gotta say?

I'm the invisible man,
everybody shakes my hand but you.
I'm the invisible man,
and the only body I want is you.

I walk in slowly with grace,
I hit a couple home runs.
I stand right up in your face,
still I don't block out the sun.
So I go out on a limb,
I get true blue and sincere.
But I don't show up on film,
and I can't be seen in a mirror.

Some would sneak in ladies' locker rooms,
or armoured trucks chock-full of jewels.
But I keep my hands where you can see them,
any fool can see them.
Why can't you see them?

I know when I'm beat, and I know when to stay down.
With floppy shoes on my feet, and a big happy frown.

And I'm the invisible man.
Try and catch me if you can.
I'm the invisible man.
I'm right behind you (here I am) my friend.
I'm the invisible man.
Everybody shakes my hand but you,
I'm the invisble man. But the only body I want is you.

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  • Beautiful
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  • Elgin Avenue
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