Dans Home Grown - Down Here In Belmar Lyrics

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Artist: Dans Home Grown
Song Title: Down Here In Belmar
Visits: 784
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Down Here In Belmar at 1-1-1 10th
The sun always shines and our money's well spent
But like the Cream needed Clapton and like my coffee needs cream
This house needs "Puff Danny" to come up with it's theme
..so set it off one time just like that...
Down Here in Belmar we've got lots of booze
Ain't got Scotty Holmes or other freaks with tattoos
Don't have too much privacy - someone's here all the time
And we don't have a phone so Dee can't "Star 69"
Down Here in Belmar you won't die of thirst
Verdi and Pomper have birthdays, but Marilyn's comes first
She'll probably get sloppy drunk like all birthday girls do
But hey baby... everybody gets a little sloppy sometimes - and I
probably will too
Down Here in Belmar people go to the beach
For every ten ugly girls there's always one who's a peach
Today Matt hit the shore to scope out the women
But he just gelled his hair - there ain't no way he'll be swimmin'
With only one suitcase each, Kerry and Michelle are both here
Their other luggage is at the Red Barn... and they're getting more
I wanna bomp her... her name is Pomper - just look at that face!
OK, I know... I think I'm rambling... uh, let's hear that funky bass..
(bass solo with James Brown spoken sampling)
I comb what's left of my hair and I'm ready to rock
I've got a couple of Trojans tucked away in my sock
It's a secret I learned from my bro Shorty Rock
In case I get the bitches swayin' to the rhythm of my cock
Well a few more beers later, and a couple of funnels
My speech was all slurred... hell, my vision was tunneled
I could've spent the night at DJAIS with an awful lot of ladies
But I passed out with the CD playing Madonna - vintage 80's
(sample of Madonna's "Like A Virgin")
Hey look, it's Meri - for the beach she is ready
But she forgot her sunblock and now she's red as a cherry
Well, pop goes the weasel 'cause the weasel goes pop
Misjudged a clearance in my Monte - now I've got a drop-top
So now it's me in my Monte and Mike in his Vette
We cruise the strip for cheap girls - Mike hasn't told Laurie yet
And where the hell is Anne?No one knows where she's been
The beach?Bar A?Maybe Skee-ball?The answer's blowing in the
This is the verse where I should mention Paul Fred
But he's got his own song - I think enough has been said
So come down to Belmar and stay until Sunday
Do something dumb, create gossip - so Laurie has some for Monday

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Other Dans Home Grown song Lyrics
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  • Deanna
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    I swear I'll hunt you down..."
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    Don't try to think you know what I'm thinkin'
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  • Ill Never Fall In Love
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    Cause I dont think you care at all.
    Confusing transmissions,
    Confirm my suspicions...."
  • Kids
    "Hey, think back when you were just a little kid,
    yeah When everything you did, you always had fun.
    Lincoln logs and Tinker Toys.
    At school the girls would chase the boys..."
  • Kiss Me, Diss Me
    "I dont want to sit next to you.
    I cant believe you called me so soon.
    Dont try to justify what you did to me.
    Youre just one of those trouble girls...."
  • Last Night Regrets
    "a night of no rest
    i was laying on her breast
    a morning of regret
    i realized i slept with my friend..."
  • ...Show All

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