Dar Williams - The Great Unknown Lyrics

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Artist: Dar Williams
Song Title: The Great Unknown
Visits: 760
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Once upon a time, there was a nuclear family
and they lived in family time, they'd unite in a family way.
And off on the ancient mountain, they were splitting every nucleus
and they said "Don't be alarmed." They said "Just don't try this at home".

And they were the mystery that made the world run,
and we had the power 'cause they were the sun,
and we called them our heroes, and the future was won,
and they said "Just look at the light they're giving you,
and the darkness that we're saving you from."

And soon they were bringing it into our showrooms.
And they'd unveil it, with it's title,
"Bring your family, bring your family, it's the great unknown"

I'm no ordinary princess, I was born in the Cold War,
and my team is the Rockets, "Go, team! It's a dangerous time."
And I'd dream of the Moon, and building lunar clone colonies,
And I build my peace through strength -- that's the best weapon you've got.

Oh, I am the brainchild, I am the mortar,
with a plastic trophy and an eating disorder,
and a vision as great as the great big wall,
and they tell me that I'll move forward,
for the good of us all, and for the good of nuclear families all.

You think I think I am important,
but, no, I never was, I wasn't.
No, I never, and how could I be?
It's the great unknown.
Now we've built it, now it's ticking,
it's the great unknown.

And I am your children, and I am millions,
and I wanted to sail up, I wanted to try,
but you know the sky got too low, and the ocean got too high.
And I had to take God into my own hands.
Am I too late, is it over?
Have I sacrificed my family to the great unknown?

So I went out into the gamma fields,
out in Mercury, Nevada,
and we stood in a circle, and that circle started to break.
And the wind at the nuclear test site floats the data of the radiation,
for the underground testing, "Cross the line, and get arrested."

And we came from all over in a silent appeal,
as the drill came down like a Presidential seal,
and we stand for the living, and we stand for the dead,
and we looked up to see our enemies,
and we see that they're looking all at us instead.

And I said, "You think I am being disruptive."
But, no, I'm running home, I'm running
because I'm trying to put the atom back together.
It's the great unknown.
I'm just trying to put the atom back together.
It's the great unknown.

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