Dargaard - My Phantasm Supreme Lyrics

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Artist: Dargaard
Dargaard Author
Album: The Dissolution Of Eternity (2001)
Dargaard - The Dissolution Of Eternity Album
Song Title: My Phantasm Supreme
Genre: Classical: Neo-Classical
Visits: 780
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Encrypted signs appear red glowing,
contrasting the deep dark stone.
Energetic they sweep before my eyes.
My mind opens to an event horizon,
my body fills with energy,
the opening for the last chapter is to come.
I never bowed down before a god,
I never lost my subsconscious freedom,
but always there are shadows following
the way of the sorcerer, and so I have mine.
I feel a cold hand touching my heart,
Spears made of flames raging the skies

The revenge of the ancients I feel
for breaking their last seal,
but preperation brought me to this point
and not the simple spirit of adventure.
My phantasm supreme, the last gate,
the last chapter of my terrestrial,
my temporal,
my mortal existence is to come;
"Eternity" is only a word made by mortals too.
I see the dissolution, the return of chaos
and maybe the rise of a new order?
I call forth the storm of punishement upon the earth,
or should I say "purification"?

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Other Dargaard song Lyrics
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  • Arcanum Mortis
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  • ...Of Broken Stones
    "Waters unleashed...
    Fires unbound...
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    as i see how might could work... once more......"
  • Seelenlos
    "Blind eyes that see more
    as what is hidden in your face
    blind eyes see the skull
    behind your skin...."
  • Underworld Domain
    ""I never lived elsewhere
    Than in dimensions of fear.
    My spirit is enthroned in the land
    Of the silent moving shadows...."
  • The Infinite
    "Which way is the right path
    As I stand upon
    This chaotic crossroad of hate...
    How many ways..."
  • Caverna Obscura
    "Silva vetus stabat nulla violata
    Securi et specus in media virgis
    Ac vimine densus
    Effigiens humilem lapidum..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "The Dissolution Of Eternity" album, click "Dargaard Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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