Darin Zanyar - Why Does It Rain Lyrics

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Artist: Darin Zanyar
Song Title: Why Does It Rain
Visits: 976
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I can't believe she's gone.
I can't believe,
that we're not together anymore.
Something in her eyes,
I've never seen before.
It took me by surprise,
when she said;
I'm not in love anymore.
Oh, baby.
I keep holdin' on,
can't let go.
Please let me know ..

Why does it rain?
why does it hurt?
Please God explain,
'cause I don't understand.
Love made me fly,
now I just cry.
Please tell me why, (oh, my baby.)
why does it rain?

We used to be as one,
we never were apart. (no.)
The sun was always shinin'
in my heart.
Now those days are gone,
I miss the love we had.
No-one ever told me,
life could be so sad.
Oh, baby.
I keep holdin' on,
can't let go.
Please let me know ..

Why does it rain?
why does it hurt?
Please God explain,
'cause I don't understand.
Love made me fly,
now I just cry.
Please tell me why, (oh, tell me.)
why does it rain?

(ooh, ooh, ooh.)
(oh, my baby.)
I keep holdin' on,
can't let go.
Please let me know ..

Ooh, why does it rain?
why does it hurt?
Please God explain,
'cause I don't understand.
Love made me fly,
now I just cry.
Please tell me why.
Why does it rain?
(why does it hurt?)
Please God explain,
'cause I don't understand.
Love made me fly, (ooh, ooh.)
(now I just cry.)
Please tell me why, (ooh, noo.)
why does it rain?

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Other Darin Zanyar song Lyrics
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  • Coming True
    must be a magic night
    cause I can se the stars
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  • Crazy
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    Baby, I'm so into you
    You've got that something, what can I do
    Baby, you spin me around, oh..."
  • Didnt We Almost Have It All
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    The night we almost lost it
    Once again we can take the night into tomorrow
    Livin' on feelings..."
  • Encore Otra Vez 1 More Time
    "Encore, otra vez, one more time
    Encore, otra vez, one more time
    Traveling down the slowly road
    Everyday it ain't been sunny..."
  • Everytime
    "Times get rough alot
    I try to express the way I feel
    If everything I do and anything I say
    Don't matter anyway..."

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