Darius Rucker - Exodus Lyrics

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Artist: Darius Rucker
Song Title: Exodus
Visits: 757
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She said so, so many times in my life

Once I thought things were fine, it would rain

This is how it is each and everyday I live

Things I thought would be my joy, turn to pain

So when it pours and you're in deep water

And you can't tell the difference from the rain and your tears

I will be the one whos there, who'll always be there

To drink the river flowing from your eyes

Exodus is yours, love

Let the midnight sun disappear

Heaver would be yours, love

Let me be the one to take you there

So don't worry or sweat the small things

Everything in your lives bound to change

All the things you're going through

I will bare the weight with you

There's no shame, know what I'm saying

There's a way to pull through

Oh and when it pours girl and you're in deep water

And you can tell the difference from the rain and your tears

I will be the one whos there, who'll always be there

To drink the river flowing from your eyes

Exodus is yours, love

Let the midnight sun disappear

And Heaven could be yours, love

Let me be the one to take you there


I'll help you carry it all

(I'll help you carry all)

You don't have to worry at all

(No you don't have to worry)

And if you stumble and fall

(If you sumble and fall)

I'll be there for you

(I'll help you, aw)

I"ll help you carry it all

(You don't have to, aw)

You don't have to worry at all

Girl and if you fall, I'll be there

Through it all, through it all

Exodus is yours, love

Let the midnight sun disappear

And Heaven could be yours, love

Please let me be the one to take you there, there

Exodus is yours, love

Let the midnight sun disappear

And Heaven could be yours, love

Let me be the one to take you there

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