Dark Avenger - Clas Myrddin Lyrics

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Artist: Dark Avenger
Song Title: Clas Myrddin
Visits: 784
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[Dark Avenger]

- Lo dear voyager in which hands my fate now trips, ease thy eager feet before my mood sees red, and tell about the wizard whose wondrous grip handled, the alchemy, the magic, the quick and the dead


- The first time the Wizard I was told, a fatherless born who lived alone, was going to die by tyrant command, to save with blood the collapsing land, with crafty waves and smart enchantments, slipped away from embarrassments, traced the trail for a new young king, no matter the blame for all his sins, wanted to gather in a unique sentence, the lamb in the cross and the blue serpents, will he be succeed, will he find the path? But surely will pay the aftermath.


Night roaming creatures bless my path as I walk through the shadows alone some they may call me a fatherless born some mocking me down but some them soliciting me in the nightime late at nightime know the soul of things has been my quest arrow shaped a snake at the dark transmutating my heartbeat through the night I worship thee Sovereign of the sky magic power sign and song o Inspirer, Thou of life hope and joy marble walls shelter this airy tower stands supreme in the mysteries of power built by hands of a friend and a king who leads the battle onto the final cut I worship thee Sovereign of the sky magic power, sign and song o Inspirer, Thou of live hope and joy I worship thee Sovereign of the sky magic power sign and song o Inspirer, Thou of live hear my cry as I rise bless the boy with the sword bless the realm with your peace hope and joy!

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Other Dark Avenger song Lyrics
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  • Utther Evil
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  • Armageddon
    "Little angel come with me
    Close your eyes and hold my hand
    Try ignoring any noise you hear
    It's the sound of the end..."
  • Die Mermaid
    "In my travels through the oceans of death
    Through her eyes now I see
    I cry to the heavens and beg to die!
    Odin God send me reaction..."
  • Who Dares To Care
    "Walking down through these filthy streets
    I see great skylines as they grow everywhere
    See the people starving to death
    Their children are nudes..."
  • Give A Chance
    "I hope you hear my cry
    Because I've been calling you before
    I just want your voice on phone
    I think where can you be..."
  • Green Blood
    "In this greenblood sea death and hate are trade
    Unholy hands are near darknight fire fades
    You try to destroy the oceans you try to kill the seas
    Kill and destroy are the verbs ya fit in..."
  • Rebellion
    "Why dya still awaits for life
    If I'll give you eternal death
    there's no time to recede
    the road is gone behind your back..."

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