Dark Avenger - Wicked Choices-Part I Lyrics

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Artist: Dark Avenger
Song Title: Wicked Choices-Part I
Visits: 789
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[Dark Avenger]

- The hands of confusion spread stand, in the cities, in the houses and over the land; why is the King disturbed in his thought? why has the wizard so hardly wrought?


- Pendragon's lust endangered the realm, for Igraine the Queen his heart did turn, enraged the kingdom with a loony war, the siege of a castle lasts forever more. By wizard's craft he got a new face, he must posses her before his heart breaks. Transmuted in husband a figure lights the fire, deceives the queen to cease his desire. A kingdom divided in a cruel murdering, a new open door to more suffering. The price to pay was much too high, a boy taken afar a mother in cry.

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    Because I've been calling you before
    I just want your voice on phone
    I think where can you be..."
  • Green Blood
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    You try to destroy the oceans you try to kill the seas
    Kill and destroy are the verbs ya fit in..."
  • Rebellion
    "Why dya still awaits for life
    If I'll give you eternal death
    there's no time to recede
    the road is gone behind your back..."

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