Dark Lotus - The Crows Lyrics

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Artist: Dark Lotus
Song Title: The Crows
Visits: 763
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(Monoxide Child)

I can hear'em whisper my name

I can feel'em watch me every now and again

I watch'em float along the clouds, hunt for blood stains

My souls almost out, and he can only see the pain

Wings spread on the perch they sit

Conversatin' with the Devil on some "who's next?" shit

I feel the spirits rise, when the black birds fly

When it's time to die, only the crow's know why

(Shaggy 2Dope)

12 o'clock on the dot, my blood runs cold

Pierce, engaged through the window, got me in a choke hold

Visions of death, and the goals sacraficin' the ultimate price

I take out my own life

Beaty round eye's, they can see right through me

Talkin' to me, the beyond consumes me

The black crow takes my thought's and plants seeds

The black crow plants his feet and oversee's

Our Father of Shangri-La, hallow be thy name

If the world turns over, save me from the fire rain

Keep me pure, keep me clean, as the Lotus grow's

I ask you for forgiveness, keep me from the crows

(Jamie Madrox)

Black feather's, black eye's, black wing's

Perched atop, the cementary gating

Waiting for me, recording my moves

Used to be one, now there are two

A couple, waiting to pick at my soul

And bring me back to the one in control

The faster I run, they still give chase

Will they leave me if I reveal my Holy crossed face?

(Violent J)

Black blood, within the Raven

Have I been forgaven?

A haven, of crows, watching sqawking

Drifting, above me hawking

What lies, beneith it's eye's?

Who's guiding it as it fly's?

When the red moon bleeds, it feeds

Fulfilling it's needs

[Chorus] - 2X

(Monoxide Child)

Am I marked for death? Do they want my last breath?

Do they really want me dead so my soul will resurrect?

I can't help it, praying to the God's above

Purify my soul, change the crows to dove's

(Shaggy 2Dope)

Wings spread out, and they cover my soul

Deaths voice rings out and spreads through my mentos

In through my mind and down my spine

I'm on moments to dead and the crows are on the mind

(Violent J)

Midnight, sunrise, sunfall

Crows beacon, Pharaos call

My blood, hot, dripping

Crow wings I'm clipping, snipping

(Jamie Madrox)

I will never be affraid in the eye's of the dead

In my trench coat pocket, there's a severed crows head

I look it's neck to see what they can see

I will finally come to grips, they will always be around me

[Chorus] - 2X

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