Dark Reality - Rain Orison Lyrics

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Artist: Dark Reality
Dark Reality Author
Album: Oh Precious Haze Pervade the Pain (0)
Dark Reality - Oh Precious Haze Pervade the Pain Album
Song Title: Rain Orison
Genre: Metal: Gothic
Visits: 832
Print Version

Raindrops chase the ground
Whip around boiling sound of
Thunder takes the air,
Cracks of laughter everywhere.

Raindrops hail the air,
Lightnings wince in great despair,
A burning roofs, once scared, now sighs
As flames turn into moistened air.

Raindrops veil the sky,
The final curtain of fire,
Amazingly they fly,
An ancient, sacred lullaby.

Blazing walls of stone
Now blasting in the pouring rain,
To be revealed, the pain,
Dispelled, the wicked smell
Of mould and drain.

Oh Precious Haze Pervade The Pain,
Cool down that aching spine,
Make anger starve,
Wrath is drowned while shivering.

Oh Precious Haze Pervade The Land,
The morrow will find peace,
Trees regain their former strength
And sigh away the shades of pain.

"On a night such as this
He stood there
Underneath them clouds
In divine innocence
The rain ran down
His cheeks and chin

On a night such as this
His gaze approver them clouds
He was painting the storm
and the wind
and he cried, and he grinned.

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