Dark Tranquillity - Insanitys Crescendo Lyrics

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Artist: Dark Tranquillity
Dark Tranquillity Author
Album: Enter the Mind'S I (1997)
Dark Tranquillity - Enter the Mind
Song Title: Insanitys Crescendo
Genre: Rock
Visits: 706
Print Version

Gently hold our heads
gently hold our heads on high

Aimless time in fear new hide
overthrow the plan
confusion lies in all my words
mad is the soul

We barricade ourselves in holes of temperament
this is the dawning of a new age
A heart that beats the wrong way
insanity's crescendo

Windcolour - second sight
a touch of silence and the violence of dark
Illusion span - the aroma of time
shadowlife and the scent of nothingness

Infinite fall of instinct
order of one spells deceit
Infinite lack of trust
order of one obsolete

Oh escaping time is all we lost ahead?
When it's found, can judgement make amends?

From force-fed impressions
let us mortify the mind
each soul to violate
each instinct to be rendered false

Torn asunder be the conventional forms and frames
now for the blood of heaven
Unlearn and the cleansing comes

Fell a tremor in the pillars of the senses
Cursed victim of a distance near
The first dreams - the clearest vision

Aimlessly steer towards our night
we belong to thee
Oh dearest bliss, unnerving silence
entangled within

Dimly begotten in clarity found
virginlike tears for impurity bound
Beseech he who darken the stars and the sky
to greet now this vision an emerald dawn

Empty the sun - carve out the wind
Insanity's crescendo
tear out the blinded eye

Lament of thunder - take comfort in fear
lightning veins in crude exterior
Voice the oppression - voice the hypocrisy
lay down the law that made instince fall

Escape now and revert
this cleansing rebirth
torn asunder be
Affect me not; darkened vision
insanity's crescendo

Grimly tread the footsteps torn
rebellious stand the seeker tall
The thorn of insanity's hand
take this darkened vision from my sight

Nailed to the image of ignorance
Each soul to violate
for the blood of heaven

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    For the opinion..."
  • Dry Run
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    In seemingly endless supply
    As signals cross defiantly
    Into this volatile mix we charge..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Enter the Mind'S I" album, click "Dark Tranquillity Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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