Dark Tranquillity - My Faeryland Forgotten Lyrics

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Artist: Dark Tranquillity
Dark Tranquillity Author
Album: Skydancer (2006)
Dark Tranquillity - Skydancer Album
Song Title: My Faeryland Forgotten
Genre: Rock
Visits: 680
Print Version

Labyrinth of time...
Mine alone for now and ever more
(I'm all alone...)

...and I flew
above sepulchral monoliths,
nebulously dancing beneath the dew
(Of morning, in ye twilightland of old)
Abiding teardrops borne by thorns,
thine fragments I twine true
(In mourning, stream adorned in rage untold)

...flow adorned in rage untold
Eternal - forever - more
And they'll forever grow
and hold in heart what springs anew

From the shadowsglades unwitnessed
which light the flames
from deep within where we all grew
...Everlasting ember-glow

Labyrinth of Time,
in harmony confined

Thus the dark heat from
beyond the stars
engulfed a world of fear still robed in ice
A throne in fire dies...
Pulsating through the skies

He who wore the gown
shall drown the "Reich of tears" in cries
Enthroned in fire dies...
A kingdom's last demise

And I know...
The ardent hearth midst life and death
won't end my journey morrowless
(I won't laugh in mirth all sorrowless)

Come, fly afloat on a wave of emotions,
of crestfallen scorn
Oh, this my whirlwind of darkness
a tide I once lulled but alas now withdrawn

Now...hand in hand with sorrow
towards the still, perpetual seas
Into the tranquil depths of solitude
in bliss my spirit flees

Through the wind I will go
To my twilightland, alone
Where sanctuary is mine
Within my throneworld, my labyrinth of time

And he who is the God
of an infinite shape and faces,
ever weaving fates of life
upon the pattern of his traces
In the Golden Dawn of Winter
he'll stand risen from the night
in serenity all so

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    Breeding the obscene
    For the opinion..."
  • Dry Run
    "It comes from all we're giving
    In seemingly endless supply
    As signals cross defiantly
    Into this volatile mix we charge..."
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