Dark Tranquillity - Shadow Duet Lyrics

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Artist: Dark Tranquillity
Dark Tranquillity Author
Album: Skydancer (2006)
Dark Tranquillity - Skydancer Album
Song Title: Shadow Duet
Genre: Rock
Visits: 694
Print Version

Voice of the Shadow of Beauty - Friden
Voice of the Shadow of Darkness - Sundin

Shadows play - in my wilderness'
mindscape they seek;
One spiteful and wicked,
one humble and meek
A windswept pale landscape
of edified thought
Two frictional forces
a triad have brought

Woven within me, the aerial mist sink falling,
slowly traversing the atmosphere calling

A soft breeze whispers slowly
in the valley in my mind
And its breath, both foul and holy
is like the deer to a dying hind;

Wordless - yet in soul so true
Nameless - yet it lives in you
Shapeless - like the purity of pain
Lawful - when all fear is slain

One shadow of beauty, caressing the flowers
The paleness of winter reflects in her eyes

Deity of stardom, Enticer of stardoom
maternal - eternal, blinded by visions
Serenity fades with the darkening of skies
of sunlight nocturnal

One shadow of Darkness, a shade of deep hate
A wanderer's spectre with fury ablaze
In sheets of sharp silver laid youthful to die
reborn into vengeance, dark flames dance in grace

Dark flames dance in grace
the grace of Storms

One shadow of beauty,
One shadow of darkness,
Sailing free on the seas within my mind

Surging dark oceans - perpetual waters
Creator of life and reclaimer of souls

Mother Ocean!

Watching the deep fjords uneasily moving
Whipping the white waves towards the cold air
Rising like swans in a sacred, sudden motion
A cascade of lost feathers adrift on the sea

A serenade in the tongue of the wind...

The sight of Centuries, so sonorous in the bower,
hovering further athwart a leafy cower
A sh

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    For the opinion..."
  • Dry Run
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    In seemingly endless supply
    As signals cross defiantly
    Into this volatile mix we charge..."
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