Darkbuster - Bud Lyrics

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Artist: Darkbuster
Song Title: Bud
Genre: Rock: Punk-Rock
Visits: 896
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"Budweiser is 100% natural beer, it's nature intended. We did not use a single artificial ingredient and only the finest herbs, barley, mount, rice, and water. We craft age and carbonate Budweiser naturally using a time-monitored brewing method. Budweiser: All natural since 1876."

When you say Bud you said the king of it all! (Budweiser Beer)

Budweiser Beer I think I'll have one in town.

The King is coming, the King of beers.

When you say Bud you say... (O!) When you say Bud you say, 'La la la la la la la la lalalala. (Budweiser Beer) La la la la la la la LALALALA."

The King is coming, the King of beers!

When you say Bud you say (O!) When you say Bud you say

Budweiser Beer its like a cold mountain stream. (Budweiser beer) Budweiser Beer I think I'll have one with these.

The King is coming, the King of beers!

WHen you say Bud you say it all!

Bud Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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Other Darkbuster song Lyrics
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    Your lying face down on the floor
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  • Lilith Fair
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  • Amazing Royal Shaft
    "123 Dont laugh
    Its not as funny as it sounds
    My girl fucked the singer of the Royal Crowns
    Dont laugh..."
  • Hometown Zero
    "A hometown loser, A punk, A boozer
    Leave me where I lie
    A hometown zero, I wont ever be a hero
    Sometimes I wish I'd die..."
  • Miller
    "Millers made the American way
    Born and brewed in the USA
    There just as proud as the people that are drinkin it today
    Millers Made....."
  • Pub
    "It is the drug in beer wine and hard liquor, gin, whiskey, vodka and so fourth.
    Each of these contains about the same amount of alcohol,
    12oz. of beer, 5oz. of wine, 1 1/2oz. of hard liquor.
    When people drink something with alcohol in it the drug changes how the think, act, and feel..."
  • I Hate The Unseen
    "Last week at the Randolf K of C
    We played with Zippo Raid, Toxic and The Unseen
    It was a great time, I got drunk out of my mind
    The only thing that I regret..."
  • Cheap Wine
    "I dont know where I'm going and I know not where I've been
    But my best friend is a bottle, A bottles my best friend
    It may take most of my money, It may disapear
    But I'll always have a few bucks for a 6 pack of cold beer..."
  • ...Show All
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "22 Songs You'll Never Want To Hear Again!" album, click "Darkbuster Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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