Darkest Hour - This Curse Lyrics

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Artist: Darkest Hour
Darkest Hour Author
Song Title: This Curse
Genre: Rock
Visits: 718
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You, you left these arms holding nothing
Alone, set in this tomb of my tears
Liar, I know now that the truth was just another lie
It's too late, my heart has broken black
It's over and failure is the only memory that hasn't turned to rust
Sorrow; the only thing that doesn't seem to crumble at the touch
My throat still bleeds each time I call your name
But you will never know how hard I tried
Liar, I know now that the truth was just another lie
It's too late my heart has broken black
It's over and failure is the only memory that hasn't turned to rust
You, you left these arms holding nothing

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Other Darkest Hour song Lyrics
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  • A Blessing In Tragedy
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  • The Legacy
    "A legacy that rots with time,
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  • Eclipse
    "Mass ceremonial suicide,
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  • The Mark Of The Judas
    "You want to own this,
    you want to control this,
    well I chose an enternity of this,
    and laugh at the fire..."
  • Escape Artist
    "This time the circle closes,
    this time there`s nothing left for you for me,
    this time the circle closes,
    this time we lay this to rest..."
  • Messiah Complex
    "I saw the world die a little today,
    just to feel the wealth of decay,
    just so you can know what it feels like,
    what the tears taste like..."
  • How The Beautiful Decay
    "Paranoia and you can still pretend,
    how this cross will always mend,
    paranoia and the pestilence sets in,
    what failure looks like when you begin,..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Archives" album, click "Darkest Hour Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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