Daryl Hall And John Oats - I Cant Go For That Lyrics
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Daryl Hall And John Oats Singer Lyrics
I Cant Go For That Song Lyrics
Daryl Hall And John Oats
Song Title:
I Cant Go For That
Print Version
I Can't Go For That (No Can Do)
by Hall and Oates
Easy, ready, willing, overtime,
Where does it stop, where do you dare me to draw the line.
You've got the body, now you want my soul,
Don't even think about it, say no go.
I-- I 'll do anything that you want me to do,
And I'll do almost anything, that you want me too, ooh,
But I can't go for that, (No can do)
No, I can't go for that, (No can do)
Oh, I can't go for that, (No can do)
I can't go for that, can't go for that, can't go for that.
I can't go for being twice as nice,
I can't go for just repeating the same old lines.
Use the body, now you want my soul,
Ooh, forget about it, now say no go.
I-- I'll do anything that you want me to do,
And I'll do almost anything that you want me to do,
But I can't go for that, (No can do)
No, I can't go for that, (No can do)
Oh, I can't go for that, (No can do)
I can't go for that, can't go for that, can't go for that.
(Saxophone instrumental)
Oh, I-- I'll do anything that you want me to do,
And I'll do almost anything that you want me to do,
But I can't go for that, (No can do)
No, I can't go for that, (No can do)
Oh, I can't go for that, (No can do)
I can't go for that, can't go for that, can't go for that, can't go for that.
I can't go for that, can't go for that (No can do)
I can't go, I can't go-- for that, (No can do)
Oh, I can't go for that, (No can do)
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no can do,
Oh, Ican't go for that, yeah,(No can do)
No, no, no, no, no, no.....
(Repeat to fade out)
I Cant Go For That Lyrics
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Other Daryl Hall And John Oats song Lyrics
And Thats What Hurts
"Never let nobody know me
Never let nobody dare
Never let somebody hold me
Long enough for me to care......"
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