Dave Loggins - Please Come To Boston Lyrics

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Artist: Dave Loggins
Song Title: Please Come To Boston
Visits: 936
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Please come to Boston for the spring time.
I'm stayin' here with some friends
And they've got lots of room.
You can sell your paintings on the sidewalk
By a cafe where I hope to be workin' soon.
Please come to Boston.
She said, "No.
You come home to me."

And she said, "Hey, ramblin' boy,
Why don't you settle down?
Boston ain't your kind of town.
There ain't no gold and
There ain't nobody like me.
I'm the number one fan
Of the man from Tennessee."

Please come to Denver with the snow fall.
We'll move up into the mountains so far
That we can't be found.
And throw "I love you" echoes down the canyon
And then lie awake at night until they come back around.
Please come to Denver.
She said, "No.
Boy, would you come home to me?"

And she said, "Hey, ramblin' boy,
Why don't you settle down?
Denver ain't your kind of town.
There ain't no gold and
There ain't nobody like me.
I'm the number one fan
Of the man from Tennessee."

Now, this drifter's world goes 'round and 'round
And I doubt it's ever gonna stop,
But of all the dreams I've lost or found
And all that I ain't got.
I still need to lean to
Somebody I can sing to.

Please come to L. A. and live forever.
California life if just too hard to break.
I live in a house that looks out over the ocean.
And there's some stars that fell from the sky
Livin' up on the hill.
Please come to L. A.
She just said, "No.
Boy, won't you come home to me?"

And she said, "Hey, ramblin' boy,
Why don't you settle down?
L. A. can't be your kind of town.
There ain't no gold and
There ain't nobody like me.
No, no, I'm the number one fan
Of the man from Tennessee.
I'm the number one fan
Of the man from Tennessee."

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