Dave Mathews Band - If I Had It All Lyrics

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Artist: Dave Mathews Band
Song Title: If I Had It All
Visits: 807
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Sometimes I can't move my feet it seems
As if I'm stuck in the ground somehow like a tree
As if I can't even breathe
Oh, and my screams come whispering out

As if nobody can even see me
Like a ghost, sometimes I can't see myself
Sometimes, then again, oh

If I were a king
If I had everything
If I had you and I could give you your dreams
If I were giant-sized, on top of it all
Then tell me what in the world would I sing for
If I had it all

Sometimes I feel lost
As I pull you out like strings of memories
Wish I could weave them into you
Then I could figure the whole damn puzzle out
Then again, oh

And if I were a king
If I had everything
If I had you and I could give you your dreams
If I were giant-sized, on top of it all
Then tell me what in the world would I go on for
If I had it all

I could take anything
If I had no greed to bring
Only the poison that's tainting the clean
Oh, then nothing

Remembering times much younger than me now
When my breath was light
When the world raised me up kind

And here mother comforts child
Every moment was waking up
But now I've grown tired... out

If I had it all, you know
I'd fuck it up

If I were a king
If I had everything
If I had you and I could give you your dreams
If I were giant-sized, on top of it all
Then tell me what in the world would I sing for...

If I were a king
If I had everything, piece by piece
If I had you if I could give you your dreams
If I were giant-sized, on top of it all
Then tell me what in the world would I go on for
If I had it all
If I had it all

If I had it all

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