Death Napalm - Hung Lyrics

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Artist: Death Napalm
Death Napalm Author
Album: Bootlegged In Japan (1998)
Death Napalm - Bootlegged In Japan Album
Song Title: Hung
Genre: Metal: Death, Black
Visits: 692
Print Version

Downwards, downwards-
Life=B9s spiraling descent.
All love is lost. =

Premature and unreasoning.
Perversely chained without any values. =

Wretched, degraded.
Take it all on the chin.
To forever hold my piece.....
The reins turned noose pull taunt as I fall.
The figment is more painful than the fact,
And I=B9m the one to hang, just for being me!
The murky clouds wash, solace comforts me not,
And I=B9m the one to hang, just for being me!
Black numbing blanket smothers attrition once and for all

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  • Throwaway
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  • My Own Worst Enemy
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    akin to fiction,
    more than to a word of fact...."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Bootlegged In Japan" album, click "Death Napalm Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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