Denny Sandy - Here in Silence Lyrics

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Artist: Denny Sandy
Song Title: Here in Silence
Visits: 846
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Summer skies are gone for ever

Nothing left but to remember

Morning leaves a bed of echoes

Tears of blood in weaping meadows

Can you see me, can you hear me

Can you leave me here in silence?

Drums and flags and trumpets playing

Armies in the night are praying

Hymns of hate to have their souls blessed

For the mornings blood shed harvest

Can you reach me, can you hold me

Can you leave me here in silence?

Take my children, golden children

Grow them, train them, cut them, kill them

For the justice of your jesus

For the service of your leaders

Can you feel me, can you touch me

Can you leave me here in silence?

Innocence is gone forever

Nothing left but to remember

Autumn cracks the leaves of pity

Winter chokes the cries of mercy

Can you free me, can you love me

Can you leave me here in silence?

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    But why must you bore me to tears?
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  • Been On the Road So Long
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    Been tired and broke, so long
    Ive been to the south where the winds they were warm
    Travelling the road of no return, so long..."
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    Down by Blackwaterside
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  • Bruton Town
    "In bruton town there lived a noble man
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