Development Arrested - Africas Inside Me Lyrics

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Artist: Development Arrested
Development Arrested Author
Album: Zingalamaduni (1994)
Development Arrested - Zingalamaduni Album
Song Title: Africas Inside Me
Genre: Rap: Hip-Hop
Visits: 735
Print Version

Universal as I stroll down the street
Africas's a bolling over flowing inside of me
I used to sport a curl made by Jerry
A Jerry curl
but as time passed it didn't last
after my curl I never combed my doo.
I used to sport a cap but the naps kept shining through.
My sista got a brand new perm
my boys says she looks pretty fine body real firm
folds at her job loves her new touch up
I can tell her white boss gets a kick when she's all done up.
My sista loves her blackness
but the US. says that her perm is her attractiveness.
But Africa keeps coming stronger-we found out
it ain't a perm it's a temporary
Don't heve sash to go to the music school
no money for the guitar or the violin or the tuba
my moms had a record player and the 45's
I put the needle on the record and I kicked it crazy live
scratching it up catching the breaks
spirits within me had me do what it takes
Grammy's I win & one again like my Egyptian kin
it's Africa within makin' something outta nothing!
CHORUS: (x2)
Africa's inside me
taking back her child
she's giving me my pride
and setting me free.
What's that land across those waters?
what's that spirit makin'love to my daughter
telling her not to eat he mama's ham hocks
allowing her the choice to twist her hair & make it lock.
yo I don't like it, I just don't like it.
Papa may say buy my soul is a boilin'
and sooner or later Africa's glory and toil
will teach an old dog new tricks
Why and the world can't everybody
recognize that Africa's in everybody?
we all ask why can't we be sista's and brothers
but first we gotta accept who is our mother
Rather embracer of the jungle
or ghetto melanin dwells but could stop growth

and developments Arrested for nothing
Gumbo's within' soulful H20 men be droppin'
Happenin's like Homosapians Hustlins
within' to exist as afro
residing in Fulani was once Christian.
Start fishin' like FOS and found origin!

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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Zingalamaduni" album, click "Development Arrested Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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