Development Arrested - People Everyday Lyrics

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Artist: Development Arrested
Development Arrested Author
Album: 3 Years, 5 Months and 2 Days In The Life Of... (1992)
Development Arrested - 3 Years, 5 Months and 2 Days In The Life Of... Album
Song Title: People Everyday
Genre: Rap: Hip-Hop
Visits: 750
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See I was resting at the park minding my own
business as I kick up the treble tone
on my radio tape player box, right
just loud enough so folks could hear it's hype, see ?
Outta nowhere comes the woman I'm dating
investigation maybe she was demonstrating
But nevertheless I was pleased
My day was going great and my soul was at ease
until a group of brothers started bugging out
drinking the 40 oz, going the nigga route
Disrespecting my black queen
holding their crotches and being obscene
At first I ignored them cause see I know their type
They got drunk and got guns and they wanna fight
and they see a young couple having a time that's good
and their egos wanna test a brother's manhood
So they came to test Speech cause of my hair-do
and the loud bright colors that I wear [Boo !]
I was a target cause I'm a fashion misfit
and the outfit that I'm wearing brothers dissing it
Well I stay calm and pray the niggaz leave me be
but they're squeezing parts of my date's anatomy
Why, Lord, do brothers have to drill me ?
Cause if I start to hit this man they'll have to kill me

I am everyday people (2x)

I told the niggaz please let us pass, friend
I said please cause I don't like killing Africans
but he wouldn't stop and I ain't Ice Cube
but I had to take the brother out for being rude
and like I said before I was mad by then
It took three or four cops to pull me off of him
But that's the story y'all of a black man
acting like a nigga and get stomped by an African


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