DiFranco Ani - The Story Lyrics
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DiFranco Ani Singer Lyrics
The Story Song Lyrics
DiFranco Ani
Ani DiFranco (1989)
Song Title:
The Story
Print Version
I would have returned your greeting
if it weren't for the way you were looking at me
this street is not a market
and I am not a commodity
don't you find it sad that we can't even say hello
'cause you're a man
and I'm a woman
and the sun is getting low
there are some places that I can't go
as a woman I can't go there
and as a person I don't care
I don't go for the hey baby what's your name
and I'd alone thank you
just the same
I am up again against
the skin of my guitar
in the window of my life
looking out through the bars
I am sounding out the silence
avoiding all the words
I'm afraid I've said too much
I'm afraid of who has heard me
my father, he told me the story
and it was true
for his time
but now the story's different
maybe I should tell him mine
all the girls line up here
all the boys on the other side
I see your ranks are advancing
I see mine are left behind
I am up again against
the skin of my guitar
in the window of my life
looking out through the bars
I am sounding out the silence
avoiding all the words
I'm afraid I can never say enough
I'm afraid no one has heard me
and despite all the balls that I've been thrown
and forced to drop
on the social totem pole
I'm preciously close to the top
the put you in your place
and they tell you to behave
but no one can be free
until we're all on even grade
and I would have returned your greeting
if it weren't for the way you were looking at me
The Story Lyrics
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Other DiFranco Ani song Lyrics
Both Hands
"I am walking
out in the rain
and I am listening to the low moan
of the dial tone again..."
Talk To Me Now
"he said ani, you've gotten tough
'cause my tone was curt
yeah, and when I'm approached in a dark alley
I don't lift my skirt..."
The Slant
"the slant
a building settling around me
my figure female framed crookedly
in the threshold..."
Dog Coffee
"perpetrating counter-culture she is walking through the park
first light ugly and more muscular than the dark
pushing poems at the urban silence
drawing portraits of the passers-by..."
Lost Woman Song
"I opened a bank account
when I was nine years old
I closed it when I was eighteen
I gave them every penny that I'd saved..."
Rush Hour
"rush hour
and the day's dawning
the rain came
and pushed me under the awning..."
Fire Door
"I opened the fire door
to four lips
none of which were mine
Every Angle
"I'm imagining your frame
every angle
and every plane
I'm imagining your smell..."
...Show All
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