Dinah Washington - Baby (Youve Got What It Takes) Lyrics

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Artist: Dinah Washington
Dinah Washington Author
Album: Jazz Masters 19 (0)
Dinah Washington - Jazz Masters 19 Album
Song Title: Baby (Youve Got What It Takes)
Genre: Jazz
Visits: 981
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Baby (You've Got What It Takes )

- Artist: Brook Benton and Dinah Washington as sung on "The Satin Sound Brook
Benton"-Suffolk Marketing-SMI 2
- peak Billboard position # 5 in 1960
- Words and Music by Clyde Otis & Murray Stein and Brook Benton

Well, now, it takes more than a robin to make the winter go
And it takes two lips of fire to melt away the snow

Well, it takes two hearts a-cookin' to make a fire grow
And baby you've got what it takes

You know it takes a lot of kissin'

SPOKEN (Tell me about it)
to make a romance sweet

Ooh, it takes a lot of lovin' to make my life complete

Mmm, and it takes a lot of woman to knock me off my feet
and baby, you've got what it takes.

I said,

mm, mm, mm. uh-huh, mm, mm, mm

Ah, ah, hah

mm, mm

You know you've got just what it takes!

Because it takes more than an effort to stay away from you
It'd take more than a lifetime to prove that I'll be true

But it takes somebody special to make me say, "I do."

SPOKEN "Oh, yeah"

And baby, you've got what it takes.

Ah, ah, hah

mm, mm, uh-huh, mm, mm, mm


You know you've got just what it takes

Because it takes oh yeah

SPOKEN **" You're back in my spot again, honey"**

SPOKEN **"I like your spot"**

To stay away from you

SPOKEN "I can't stay away from you"

It takes more than a lifetime, daddy, to prove that I'll be true

SPOKEN "NOW it's you"

But, it takes somebody special

SPOKEN "Like me, baby"
to make me say, "I do."

And baby you've got what it takes

SPOKEN "C'mon, let's play it again, huh?"

SPOKEN "C'mon, let's do it one more time, all right?"

And baby you've got what it takes

SPOKEN "One more time, Brook"

SPOKEN "Ah-ha, OK, Ah-ha"

And baby you've got what it takes


NOTE: Exchange at ** apparently prompted when Brook jumped into a line that
Dinah was supposed to sing.

Transcribed by Robin Hood

These lyrics were transcribed from the specific recording mentioned above
and do not necessarily correspond with lyrics from other recordings, sheet
music, songbooks or lyrics printed on album jackets.

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