Dolly Parton - Once Upon a Memory Lyrics

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Artist: Dolly Parton
Dolly Parton Author
Song Title: Once Upon a Memory
Visits: 811
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Once upon a memory
I kissed lips as sweet as honey
And lived in Heaven with an angel
For a little while
I knew love sweet and tender
In a world of perfect splendor
Once upon a memory
Before he said goodbye

Once upon a memory
In Never-Neverland
I had a love I know I'll
Never ever have again

A love like those
You read in fairy tales
Filled with joy and laughter

Oh, but he ended it
And it broke my heart
And I've cried forever-after

Once upon a memory
I knew love beyond compare

Oh, then his sweet lips
Lost their sweetness
And all that Heaven in his eyes
Turned into a cold and distant stare

Gone is the love, sweet and tender
A world of heartache knows no splendor
Oh, but once, once upon a memory
I knew love beyond compare

Yes, once upon a memory
In Never-Neverland
I had a love I know I'll
Never ever have again

A love like those
You read in fairy tales
Filled with joy and laughter
But he ended it
And it broke my heart
And I've cried forever-after

Oh, but once, once upon a memory
I knew love beyond compare
That was once upon a memory

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