Donny osmond - Sacred Emotion Lyrics

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Artist: Donny osmond
Donny osmond Author
Song Title: Sacred Emotion
Visits: 900
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So you heard that I'm a rebel with a heart made of stone.
I got a restless spririt that nobody can own.
If a picture tells a story won't you listen to mine,
I'm searching for the answer but it's so hard to find.

You'll see much deeper when you read between the lines,
'cause there's a fire burning in my eye.

Like a thief in the night, who can't get enough,
I am willing to fight,
'cause I'm a soldier of love.
Like a shot in the dark when the going gets rough,
I'ts a state of the heart
when you're a soldier of love.

I'm willing to fight.

Love can be so heartless when you turn out the lights,
a mutual surrender in the heat of the night.
Life's an empty picture when you're living alone,
well, maybe that's the reason every heart needs a home.

Each time I fall down, I get on my feet again.
I'm gonna win this battle in the end.

Like a thief in the night, who can't get enough,
I am willing to fight,
'cause I'm a soldier of love.
Like a shot in the dark when the going gets rough,
it's a state of the heart
when you're a soldier of love.

You'll see much deeper when you read between the lines,
'cause there's a fire burning in my eye.

Like a thief in the night who can't get enough,
I am willing to fight,
'cause I'm a soldier of love.
Like a shot in the dark when the going gets rough,
it's a state of the heart
when you're a soldier of love.

Sha la la la la la la
when the going gets rough,
Sha la la la la la la
I'm a soldier of love.

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    It's a warning it's in every tongue
    Got to stop them crazy horses on the run..."
  • Puppy Love
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    Oh i guess they'll never know
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    and just why i love her so..."
  • Seasons Of Love
    "five hundred twenty-five thousand
    six hundred minutes
    five hundred twenty-five thousand
    moments so dear..."
  • This Is The Moment
    This is the moment; this is the day
    When I send all my doubts and demons on their way.
    Every endeavor I have made ever..."

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