Eagles - Lyin Eyes Lyrics
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Eagles Singer Lyrics
Lyin Eyes Song Lyrics
One Of These Nights (1975)
Song Title:
Lyin Eyes
Print Version
City girls just seem to find out early
How to open doors with just a smile
A rich old man
And she won't have to worry
She'll dress up all in lace and go in style
Late at night a big old house gets lonely
I guess ev'ry form of refuge has its price
And it breaks her heart to think her love is
Only given to a man with hands as cold as ice
So she tells him she must go out for the evening
To comfort an old friend who's feelin' down
But he knows where she's goin' as she's leavin'
She is headed for the cheatin' side of town
You can't hide your lyin' eyes
And your smile is a thin disguise
I thought by now you'd realize
There ain't no way to hide your lyin eyes
On the other side of town a boy is waiting
with fiery eyes and dreams no one could steal
She drives on through the nice anticipating
'Cause he makes her feel the way she used to feel
She rushes to his arms,
They fall together
She whispers that it's only for awhile
She swears that soon she'll be comin' back forever
She pulls away and leaves him with a smile
You can't hid your lyin' eyes
And your smile is a thin disguise
I thought by now you'd realize
There ain't now way to hide you lyin' eyes
She gets up and pours herself a strong one
And stares out at the stars up in the sky
Another night, it's gonna be a long one
She draws the shade and hangs her head to cry
She wonders how it ever got this crazy
She thinks about a boy she knew in school
Did she get tired or did she just get lazy?
She's so far gone she feels just like a fool
My, oh my, you sure know how to arrange things
You set it up so well, so carefully
Ain't it funny how your new life didn't change things
You're still the same old girl you used to be
You can't hide your lyin eyes
And your smile is a thin disguise
I thought by now you'd realize
There ain't no way to hide your lyin' eyes
There ain't no way to hide your lyin' eyes
Honey, you can't hide your lyin' eyes
Lyin Eyes Lyrics
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Other Eagles song Lyrics
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No one lets it show
I've been shadows of myself
How was I to know?..."
"I'm hanging on to my peace of mind
I just don't know
I'm hanging on to those good times, baby
Just want to let them roll..."
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"I lost ten points just for being in the right place
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I looked right at the facts there, but I may as well have
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take the devil from your mind
he's been holding on to you
and you're so hard to find..."
"Early in the morning
about the break of day
the earlybird is working
so his life don't fade away..."
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Eagles Singer
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