Eagles - New York Minute Lyrics
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Eagles Singer Lyrics
New York Minute Song Lyrics
Hell Freezes Over (1994)
Song Title:
New York Minute
Print Version
Harry got up
Dressed all in black
Went down to the station
And he never came back
They found his clothing
Scattered somewhere down the track
And he won't be down on Wall Street
in the morning
He had a home
The love of a girl
But men get lost sometimes
As years unfurl
One day he crossed some line
And he was too much in this world
But I guess it doesn't matter anymore
In a New York minute
Everything can change
In a New York minute
Things can get pretty strange
In a New York minute
Everything can change
In a New York minute
Lying here in the darkness
I hear the sirens wail
Somebody going to emergency
Somebody's going to jail
If you find somebody to love in this world
You better hang on tooth and nail
The wolf is always at the door
In a New York minute
Everything can change
In a New York minute
Things can get a little strange
In a New York minute
Everything can change
In a New York minute
And in these days
When darkness falls early
And people rush home
To the ones they love
You better take a fool's advice
And take care of your own
One day they're here;
Next day they're gone
I pulled my coat around my shoulders
And took a walk down through the park
The leaves were falling around me
The groaning city in the gathering dark
On some solitary rock
A desperate lover left his mark,
"Baby, I've changed. Please come back."
What the head makes cloudy
The heart makes very clear
The days were so much brighter
In the time when she was here
But I know there's somebody somewhere
Make these dark clouds disappear
Until that day, I have to believe
I believe, I believe
In a New York minute
Everything can change
In a New York minute
You can get out of the rain
In a New York minute
Everything can change
In a New York minute
New York Minute Lyrics
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No one lets it show
I've been shadows of myself
How was I to know?..."
"I'm hanging on to my peace of mind
I just don't know
I'm hanging on to those good times, baby
Just want to let them roll..."
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"I lost ten points just for being in the right place
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I looked right at the facts there, but I may as well have
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take the devil from your mind
he's been holding on to you
and you're so hard to find..."
"Early in the morning
about the break of day
the earlybird is working
so his life don't fade away..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Hell Freezes Over" album, click "
Eagles Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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