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Victim of Love Song Lyrics
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What kind of love have you got?
You should be home but you're not
A room full of noise and dangerous boys
still makes you thirsty and hot
I heard about you and that man
There's just one thing I don't understand
You say he's a liar and he put out
your fire
How come you still got his gun in your hand?
Victim of love I see a broken heart
You got your stories to tell
Victim of love it's such an easy part
and you know how to play it so well
Some people never come clean
I think you know what I mean
You're walkin' the wire, pain and desire
Looking for love in between
Tell me your secrets, I'll tell you mine
This ain't no time to be cool
And tell all your girlfriends,
you "been around the world" friends
that talk is for losers and fools
Victim of love, I see a broken heart
I could be wrong, but I'm no
Victim of love, we're not so far apart
Show me, what kind of love have you got?
Victim of love, you're just a victim of love
I could be wrong , but I'm not
Victim of love, now you're a victim of love
What kind of love have you got?
What kind of love have you got?
What kind of love have you got
| Victim of Love Lyrics at Lyricstrue |
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