Earshot - We Fall, We Stand Lyrics

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Artist: Earshot
Earshot Author
Song Title: We Fall, We Stand
Genre: Alternative
Visits: 736
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Sometimes I feel like I'm losing it all
abused and beat down and thrown to the wall
how can they do this to someone at all?
something so awful
woke up this morning I hoped and I prayed
nothing can stop me I'm well on my way
if I can have anything that I want
why does this happen?

We gain, we lose, we fall
and we stand right up again
we gain, we lose and we fall
and we stand right up again
I can be anything I want to be
losing myself in a world that can't be
coming together and falling apart we stand....we fall....

I can see clearly the crack in your soul
looking for something to patch up the hole
if you need someone to reach for, console, just call my name...
you have been searching for so long inside
a meaningful calling your heart can't deny
I try so hard just to stand on my own
how can this happen? (again)
I can finally see the light
no more darkness
I feel so much more alive

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Other Earshot song Lyrics
  • Wait
    "Something's wrong
    Trying to conquer these fears I thought were gone
    And it's been so long
    I'm dying to live in a world, I don't belong..."
  • Fall Apart
    "So you finally found the way
    To lessen all your pain
    What you?d give to feel again
    For even just a day..."
  • Someone
    "Stepped on the cracks
    But you broke your own back
    The things that you want
    That your body stars..."
  • Rotten Inside
    "Once was a time
    I'd give the world to you
    But it was never enough
    Sworn by your hand..."
  • Down
    Wonder what the day will bring tomorrow when I wake
    Do I decide to dwell upon mistakes I haven't made..."
  • Nice to Feel the Sun
    "Sometimes I feel as though my life's getting stranger
    Now I need to find a way to get this strain off of my back
    Sometimes we need to lock the door
    And throw away the key..."
  • Again
    "As I ponder my thoughts and fears and life
    I stand tempted to throw it all away
    So I sit and I slowly lose my mind
    Look for signs of you..."
  • Goodbye
    seem the stars in the sky
    where my dreams
    they seem to follow..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Letting Go" album, click "Earshot Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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