Earth Crisis - Discipline Lyrics

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Artist: Earth Crisis
Earth Crisis Author
Song Title: Discipline
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Straight edge - the discipline.
The key to selfliberation is abstinence from the destructive escapism of
intoxication. I separate from the poison - a mindlessness
I've always abhored. Usage will only increase the pain, a truth I
constantly see ignored. The pollutants that kill the body breed
apathy within the mind. The substances that once brought
release in the end will always confine.
From drug-clouded lungs and veins motviation dissipates.
Imprisoned within addiction,
abuse increases until death overtakes.
Enslaved by concupiscence, promiscuity leads to despair.
Victims used and abandoned by
liars who professed to care. Self-exiled from their insanity.
Striving to attain higher levels of purity. The beauty in life
is mine to know. Amidst the ruin I survive. I've got to stay free.
Damage everywhere - infections at every turn. Through my
refusal to partake I saved myself. Abstinence was the beginning.
What's important is what's done with the freedom step by
step I overcome. Alone I climb the staircase to edification.
Deliverance- From birth an existence of agony begins that ends
with execution. Intentionally infected with diseases
to then try to find cures for humans. Fractured skulls, broken bones,
scalded flesh and blinded eyes.
For medical research and cosmetic testing animals suffer and die.
Walls conceal the tortured
victims of vivisection. Nothing of value can be gained
for science or medicine when the price is a helpless animal's life.
An animal becomes a subject - their pain a mere reaction.
Harmless testing alternatives ignored - they refuse to end their
profit system. The suffering benefits mankind - the excuse
for demented scientists whose brutalization of the innocent
denegrates humanity's existance. When education
and peaceful protest can't bring their liberation the strategy for their
rescue changes into militant intervention.
Every action has an impact. Every life saved is a victory.
The truth known by the
caring few who wage guerilla warfare to end this atrocity.
Severed locks, doors wrenched from hinges, the animals deliverance
from torment and captivity. Vivisectionists dragged
into the street and shot as flames engulf the laboratory. Justice's
hammer falls again and again until it ends
when the price is a helpless animal's life.

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