Earth Crisis - Killing Brain Cells Lyrics

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Artist: Earth Crisis
Earth Crisis Author
Album: Slither (2000)
Earth Crisis - Slither Album
Song Title: Killing Brain Cells
Genre: Metal: Alternative
Visits: 740
Print Version

Roaches crawl in the filth of vice, what is deserved is what they receive.
Suffer the pain they bring to themselves then deny the ruin.
Try to shift the blame onto those who are unresponsible.
Sink down in a listless state, a complacent half-life.
Vicious barbaric impulsiveness, walking corpses decay in the torment that they have made.
Let them sink to the bottom, those who won't stand, let it be their grave.
Reach up for a hand but they're all bitten, so now they're drawn away.

Killing brain cells, wasting away.
Killing brain cells, pure misery.
Killing brain cells, renounce, relapse.
Killing brain cells, over and over again.

See them scatter as weak promises shatter.
Used up all the second chances given by the ones who matter.
Pathetic excuses have all worn thin and through.
The escape route transformed, changed into a death trap.

Killing brain cells, wasting away.
Killing brain cells, pure misery.
Killing brain cells, renounce, relapse.
Killing brain cells, over and over again.

Through free will it was chosen, can't pin it on anyone else.
Can't pin it on anyone else, except yourself.

Broke through the thin ice once stood on.
Fall down into the nothingness.
Die from the venom intaken.
Now there's no one else to be blamed.

Killing brain cells, wasting away.
Killing brain cells, pure misery.
Killing brain cells, renounce, relapse.
Killing brain cells, over and over again.

Roaches crawl in the filth of vice, what is deserved is what they receive.
Suffer the pain they bring to themselves then deny the ruin.

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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Slither" album, click "Earth Crisis Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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