Earthling - Planet Of The Apes Lyrics

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Artist: Earthling
Song Title: Planet Of The Apes
Visits: 728
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And now the little girl is a teenage wild child
She knows the game
And she plays it with a wild style
She only smiles when she's sticking the knife in
'cause he chose the world that she spends her life in
Washing her body in a blood bath
The only sound she can hear is the dirty mans laugh
Six years old and she was told to keep a secret
Ten years on she was ? and she keeps it
Planet of the apes was her favorite program
Her grand daddy was her favorite
Oh man!
Who would have known the old man was sick?
Come on over baby let me show you a magic trick
Close the door
We'll play on the floor
Did grand daddy's games turn baby to a whore?

Quetions spinning and ringing like a bell
The living ain't easy when you're living in hell
Quetions spinning and ringing like a bell
The living ain't easy when you're living in hell

Grand daddy died five years ago
And baby turned into a full blown hoe
Her momma and poppa they still don't know
Because the whole ? scene is a freak show
The name ergo makes her go crazy
Town to town
You better slow down baby
Hazy days and hazy nights
And getting into fighs with people that bite
Every day she wonders what to do
Mixed up memories as she grew
Nightmare years and then she knew
So just like a bird, she went when she flew
Working streets and working avenues
Don't open your eyes and you wont see who's having you
Grabing you
Stabbing you
Dragging you down
Baby's so lost, she won't never be found

Quetions spinning and ringing like a bell
The living ain't easy when you're living in hell
Quetions spinning and ringing like a bell
The living ain't easy when you're living in hell

Sun shines bright
Baby's high as a kite
Today her name is pretty, but she ain't a pretty sight
Same old stilletos and dodgy looking fellows
Same old whistles
Same old hellos
Baby sees stars as she wonders who you are
Was the magic really real in the dreamer genie show?
And if so, where did her genie go?

Quetions spinning and ringing like a bell
The living ain't easy when you're living in hell
Sweet sixteen ain't never been kissed
But she been drugged up, and sliced her own wrist
She missed the vein
She missed the shame
She's dying of shame
She's dying of pain

Quetions spinning and ringing like a bell
The living ain't easy when you're living in hell
Quetions spinning and ringing like a bell
The living ain't easy when you're living in hell
Quetions spinning and ringing like a bell
The living ain't easy when you're living in hell
Quetions spinning and ringing like a bell
The living ain't easy when you're living in hell

She only wanted to watch planet of the apes... x19
Planet of the apes x5

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    I'm not who you think i am..."
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    Freak freak yall
    Yes yes yall
    Looks like im freakin' some more..."
  • I Could Just Die
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    I could just die
    I wanna move my head
    But i'm too relaxed to try..."
  • I Still Love Albert Einstein
    "I want you to know sometimes
    It feels like the last time
    The last time i'll take you for a ride
    Have you ever..."
  • Infinite M
    "You said that it's fantastic being telepathic
    You said you read my mind
    You said that things are drastic
    I was looking for a shrine..."

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