Eaton Chris - Westworld Lyrics

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Artist: Eaton Chris
Song Title: Westworld
Visits: 761
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Deep in a valley of green, shadows of clouds run by
And the sun burns over heather, in the westworld
in the westworld
One wish I have for you,
that you might see what I see
Where the water runs forever in the westworld
In the westworld where silence is true
And when I go there I see all things new
In the westworld my heart is a-flame
Just for a moment my sould feels no pain
People can be so cruel, sometime I need solitude
Where there's no one,
just the beauty of the westworld
In the westworld, where silence is true
And when I go there I see all things new
In the westworld my heart is a-flame
Heaven is only a heartbeat away
I see a rainbow of hope, a promise that
touches my soul
It's beyond your imagination, in the westworld
in the westworld
But there's agony in the ecstacy, 'cause I
long for you to be here with me
And the rocks are blue and so cold to touch,
but there's nothing here to be frightened of
And an eagle flies to a blood red sky,
and I see a light on the mountainside
There's a hope I have, do I see your face
Are you coming home
Are you coming home
Yes, you're coming home to the westworld with me
In the westworld you can be free
In the westworld you can be free
There is peace and there is rest
Oh can you feel it, this holiness
And like a wind, the spirit breathes
And you and I we are set free
We are set free

Written by Chris Eaton

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Other Eaton Chris song Lyrics
  • All or Nothing
    "I was blind, though my eyes were open wide
    Then Your love broke through my life
    And at last I saw the light
    I was lost, on a long and lonely road..."
  • Boat Of Devotion
    "Mountains high on a crimson tide
    Reflecting down on the water side
    All alone, my Lord and I
    In my boat of devotion..."
  • Breath of Heaven
    "You are harvest, You are golden sun
    You are cool rain, You are all in one
    And in all my deepest thoughts
    And in all my battles fought..."
  • Everlasting Love
    "I have been deceived
    I have been misled
    Out in stormy seas
    I have found no rest..."
  • Harvest Years
    "Look at our world
    Caught in a trap
    We have to face the consequence
    Of holding our love back..."
  • Let Them Come to Me
    "You can see the pain of the desolate
    You can see the greed of the powerful
    Watch it on TV, and feel nothing at all
    But you don't have to feel nothing..."
  • Old Friends
    "There's a ring around the moon tonight
    And chilling wind
    But I don't have to be afraid
    Cause we're old friends..."
  • Renaissance
    "By the water, walk with me
    Cast away your doubts and fears
    Watch the sunset, feel the breeze
    Let me wipe away those tears..."

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