Ebony Tears - Skunk Hour Lyrics

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Artist: Ebony Tears
Song Title: Skunk Hour
Genre: Rock
Visits: 696
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We all try to catch the beauty, in a world that's mouldering
And we dream of tomorrow, anything to ease this pain
Can you deal with the truth, can you deal with life itself
Or will you hide behind, retouch the picture and play the game

I try to see the real me, but there's someone else in here

Open your eyes you coward, now it's time to confront yourself
Take a look inside, go on just face the pain
Can you deal with yourself, can you see what's really you?
Or will you close your eyes, and hide behind another lie

I'd like to see the real me. But I'm afraid to look inside

I am fear, the lord of pain. I'll break you down, with my bare hands
I'm your conscience, deep inside. I feed your mind, you're full of lies
Plunge into oceans of hate restrained by, the anger you create

Falling, from the stairs inside your mind, crawling helpless like a child

When you try to see things clearly, shattered pictures erase your mind
You hear voices on the inside, then your mind goes blank

Trapped inside your inner self forced to see the truth
There's no use to run cause the doors are closed
No more excuses the truth you cannot bend
It's hard to deal with life when you're used to pretend

A psychotic mind erases and deconstructs to improve
It'll leave you blinded with a hallucinating truth
No more excuses the truth you cannot bend
It's hard to deal wiht life when you're used to pretend

If I'd only known the answer
Life will be easier when you see who you are
No more fear no more lies se the truth with new eyes

Killer instinct you face the pain
Nothing will ever stop you
Killer instinct play the game
New eyes no longer afraid
You'll neve

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Other Ebony Tears song Lyrics
  • Deviation
    "Out of chaos etched inside
    New way of thinking state of sublime
    Renewal, redemption this life is yours to form
    Revalue, and question abhor the common norms..."
  • Soulcrusher
    "I wreck your monuments of life I destroy the dreams you build
    I twist my arms around your spine 'til your pathetic blood is spilled
    Life is not forever but you gave me all your trust
    As a friend I gave you my own heaven so now your bones must turn to dust..."
  • Outraged
    "I saw your ugly face again and I despise the way you crawl
    You reek of lies and hypocrisy and all your values are so dismal
    Always the same you passing judgment and blame cause you're afraid of what you oppose
    I'm an error in your perfection cause my soul can not be bought..."
  • Negative Creep
    "So I'm fucked up inside more dead than alive
    Never followed the norm where I've been no one goes
    I kill myself for what it's worth mediocrity is sin
    I wipe my ass with moral standards I follow what's within..."
  • Lowdown
    "Apathy this life is plain boredom
    No will to live and I couldn't care the fuck less
    It raped all my dreams and distorted my visions
    Replaced my joy with sorrow..."
  • Hands Of Doom
    "So you choose to stay imprisoned? Cause the walls will never speak
    But as the hands of doom consumes your mind they will watch you bleed
    So you turned away for ever? Left your dreams locked up inside
    Life has given scars so deep from reality you hide..."
  • Demon Ride
    "Execute the face of fear inside for real exercise your demons
    Lose control
    Behind the doors of sanity, Take a trip to were
    No one goes..."
  • Moonlight
    "Dim the light of human sight cause I fail to see the meaning
    My own thoughts are choking me when I try to breathe
    I can't control the wicked things planted inside my head
    Trapped inside the black tunnel that used to be my soul..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Tortura Insomniae" album, click "Ebony Tears Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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