Echo & The Bunnymen - Zephyr Lyrics

Lyrics Directory>> E>> Echo & The Bunnymen Singer Lyrics>> Zephyr Song Lyrics
Artist: Echo & The Bunnymen
Song Title: Zephyr
Visits: 618
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Can you be the one
To help me understand myself
The one and only one
Is it you and no one else

Can you shoot the veins
That others only dream about
Can you light the fire
When all my flames are dying out

Can you be the one
Can you be the one
Can you be the one
Can you be the one

Tell me about my life
Tell me about my world
Tell me about your life
Tell me about your world

__________ the crowd
Aim above and out beyond
Leave the common ground
You never wanted to belong

The sky is open wide
Light the fuse and take a ride
Leave it all behind
Dig in deep and push aside

You know you're the one
You know you're the one
You know you're the one
You know you're the one

Tell me about my life
Tell me about my world
Tell me about your life
Tell me about your world

Shoot them down
They want to drag you down
Got to see
They're your enemies

Shoot them down
They want to drag you down
Got to see
They're your enemies

Listen, you can't even see
What this world has done to me
Done to me
Done to me

Can you be the one
To help me understand myself
The one and only one
Is it you and no one else

Can you shoot the veins
That others only dream about
Can you light the fire
When all my flames are dying out

Can you be the one
Can you be the one
Can you be the one
Can you be the one

Tell me about my life
Tell me about my world
Tell me about your life
Tell me about your world

Tell me about my life
Tell me about my world
Tell me about your life
Tell me about your world

Tell me about my world
Tell me about my world
Tell me about my world

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  • The Puppet
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    For practice makes perfect
    Chained to the wall
    For maximum hold..."
  • Do It Clean
    "I've got a handful of this
    What do i do with it?
    I've got a barrel of this
    What do i do with it?..."
  • Show Of Strength
    It's hard to dig it all too happily
    But i can see
    It's not always that real to me..."

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